Working Through Adversity ...a player's mindset dictates their chances

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Athletic competition constantly presents adverse situations.  In these moments a player’s mindset dictates a great deal how they emerge.  It is easy to only see the possible negative outcomes.  Some athletes however, recognize that the possibility of a positive outcome still remains.  They keep their thoughts focused on, and direct their actions toward, the next moment or the next play, giving themselves a greater opportunity to overcome adversity and find success. 


In a January 2016 NFL playoff game between the Seahawks and Vikings, Seattle quarterback Russell Wilson had a snap get past him in the shotgun.  Watch how he responds.  See the calm that Mr. Wilson displays as he slides down to cleanly recover the ball and then roll outside the pressure of the rush, buying time for a possible positive outcome.

He found receiver Tyler Locket in the middle of the field who took the ball down to the Vikings’ five yard line setting up the game’s only touchdown (played in temperatures that never got above zero) leading to the Seahawks’ playoff victory. 

How Did He Do It?

The adversity of the missed snap did not change Russell Wilson’s well-known championship mindset.  He took on the adversity, trusted the training that he and his teammates had gone through over the previous six months and gave himself, and the team, the opportunity to successfully emerge from the adverse situation.

As a resident of Seattle I feel fortunate that my children, and the children of our region, have the opportunity to grow up watching the play of Russell Wilson.  Constantly, week after week, he demonstrates the mindset and demeanor of a person who never allows a negative impede his efforts. 

On every play and in every situation his mindset, preparation, and no doubt the influence of his parents and coaches who helped mold his character while growing up, allows him to focus on the possibilities that remain, regardless of the circumstances.  His constant calm and certainty in his actions displays the belief that he can achieve a positive result.

Conquering adversity

Through our children’s participation in athletics, parents and coaches have the opportunity to teach children that life will constantly throw adverse circumstances at them.  By striving ahead and maintaining faith in the possibilities, good things can happen.  Having Russell Wilson to point to gives us a tremendous example to illustrate fighting through adversity and assist us in teaching our kids.

With our help and support, kids can learn to forge on and believe that something good can follow an adverse situation.  Not every such circumstance will end in a positive result, but some will.  Each time our children achieve that positive outcome, they become stronger and their confidence that they can overcome adversity in the future grows.